Mango Mania

Sunday, October 26, 2008

...and so we came back from Paddy's with more mangos than two of us could possibly eat. Inspired by Chitra Amma's Bournvita Fudge, I set out to make 'mango fudge'! I followed amma's recipe exactly ...just added crushed pulp from two mangos and some slivers of almond, instead of Bournvita. Its hard work with all the stirring, and to keep the fudge from burning. It did not become a fudge ....
but then............................................................

oooooooooh .....its such a delicious halwa!


Cham said...

Ha the hard work is worth stiring for this delicious Halwa :) Happy Deepavali!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks really good! I wish we had some good mangoes around here so I can try it out.

Gorgeous halwa.Oh! we cant eat it! Excellent pictures.
Appa and Amma